This last birthday was such a shock to me. I’m not sure why, but the number 47 just didn’t (and still doesn’t!) sit well with me. I dreaded it coming at me, and I’m not thrilled about its presence.  It has, though, ushered in a change that has brought me here. It is apparent to me after all of this time that friendships are hard whether in real life or online. I have had a hard time finding my people with a few exceptions. There are people who come into your life, and they are just there for a moment but make an incredible, positive impression. Others are there for a very long time only for us to discover that they shouldn’t have been given the spot that they held. True and dear friends are so very hard to find, and sometimes even when we do, the friendship is hard to maintain due to the varying stages of life.

Photo by Tom Holmes on Unsplash

Well, I decided that it was time to venture out and find my people! Introverts have a terribly hard time bonding with people, because there isn’t enough time for all of the deep, meaningful conversations that need to happen to develop a friendship. Don’t we all have so much to say and so little time to say it? Well, get ready, because sharing is coming, people! Lots and lots of sharing. There are so many new things happening with everyone in my house, but I didn’t expect that I’d have so many new things to share, too. It’s a new season and new discoveries are happening all the time.